Useless Info About Me & My Mates!
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Wow according to this site-building thingy, I am the Webmaster! What a cool name! Ahem...anyways...
I am SuperBecca (as ya already know...hopefully!) blah blah blah you lot probs don't wanna know about me anyways so lets skip to writing shit about my mates! MWAHAHAHAHA!
This is a pic of me, I am becca the space cow!! (be afraid, be very afraid)-->

Mates From School!
Hmm do i have enough room to write about my millions of friends (ha!)?!

Lynz - Really does have an unhealthy obsession with Billie Joe and believes that she is married to lots of famous peeps - poor child! Her nickname is Donny because she resembles Donny Osmand HAHA!

Dawn - LOUD! No wait thats an understatement...

Gem - I've known her since FOREVER! She is the most sensible one out of all of us (possibly the ONLY sensible one)

Emz - Apparently is a Bitchy Barbie...yup I agree with that!

Kirsty - Bears an uncanny resemblance to a carrot..

Flo - Is very good at acting...and at falling over

Sian - Looks a lot like Bridget Jones!

Chaz - Obsessive seems to be the first word that comes to mind...I wonder why?!

Lucy - Soz I forgot to put you on the site before!

Jenny - Is 'The Queen of Everything' (apparently...)

Farmer T - Totally insane!

Neff - The official discoverer(is that a word?!) of Bob The Snail and Dhillon the Duck....

Debbie -Changed my mind, Debbie is the only sensible one out of all of us!!

For some "lovely" and not at all dodgy photos of my friends, check out my photo page....

Other Random Friends (or non-friends in some cases)
Oh god, I have way too many random friends! (many apologies if I forget you, its nothing personal!)

Tom - Looks like Harry Potter/Postman Pat! For some reason he doesn't agree with me.....

Rich - Models his hair on Fran Healy (well thats what I think anyways) His favourite pass-time is wearing a skirt! Go to the photo page for proof!

Rick - I've known him on MSN since forever!!

Daniel - Met him at Party In The Park (please don't ask why I was at Party In The Park!!) He's really good at singing and dancing (apparently, only proof I have is hearing him sing along to S Club 7!)

Mat - Known him since erm...well a very long time! He seems to keep disappearing then re-appearing again though...

ROZWELL - Ian, Joel and Tom and Adrian - Totally cool dudes who's band rawks!

Joel - (think he deserves a mention on his own now) My lovely boyfriend!

Other friends/non-friends - Marco, other Mat(who?), Tom2(who?), Peter, Jon(who?), Chris, Ben, Andy in the Skirt (hmm I wonder which ones fall into my friends catagory and which ones are my non-friends?! hehe)