Things I Love/Hate (oo-er!!)
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Aww its my ickle alien! How cuuuuuute!
(Actually come to think of it, it has a scary face!!)
  Seeing as I'm not allowed to break into Lynz & Flo's site and write my likes and dislikes on that, I made my own page! (its a load of shite, apparently)

Things I LURVE!
ME, ME, ME, ME, MEEEEEE! Oh ok then, you wanted more than that?! Ahh ok... Green Day (ha, in your face Dawn! They are most definately the bestest band in the world!!), The Sims, Seth Green, Joey the Hamster - he rocks!! MSN (how could i live without chatting to my random friends?!), Sheepys, Moo-cows, RENT! especially Daniel Boys and Damien Flood! Billie Joe Armstrong (yum), Hal!, Ryan Phillipe (if thats how you spell it), Ben and Jerrys (yumyum), Playing the geeetar, Speaking in Becca's lil language, Saying PANTS!

My fave films are:
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Moulin Rouge
Sliding Doors
Dogma (Ben Affleck + Matt Damon - phwoar!)
(Don't be mean about my taste in films Tom - scum!!)

My fave bands are:
Green Day (obviously)
Blink 182
Jimmy Eat World
The Offspring
Green Day (again - they are THAT good!)

Things I HATE!! (and when I say HATE, I mean it!!)
Teenybopper bands (and well teenyboppers in general!), Townies (awright?!?!), People who don't like Green Day (hehe!) Doggies, People who refuse to take the hint and bugger off even when I make it obvious!! ARGH!, my computer (bloody slow thing), school, grandparents (how irratating!!)
people who don't understand Becca's lil language, cold weather brr!, Chaz's taste in films (what was that Tao of Steve thing all about then?!), horsies (I fell off one - ouchies!), JUNK MAIL!, people who tell me to bugger off when I say PANTS!! Oh and people who can't be assed to tell me they don't like me and just block me/ignore me - you lil buggers know who you are!!

Dickhead, Fuckface, Cock Smoking, Mother Fucking, Asshole, Dirty Twat, Waste Of Soap, I Hope You DIE! (ahem....great song, eh?!)
Not aimed at anyone in particular...ahem

Woo Green Day ROCK!
According to the Site Builder:-
"This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures."
Well if Hall looks like Billie Joe then Hal is definately one of my good friends!!

This is my dancing M&M!
Don't ask why I have a pic of a dancing M&M - I'm weird like that! (as ya already know!)
I spose its not as weird as Alfred the twirling sheep though!