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This page is for all you little people who don't understand Becca's Little World...
(Not that you'll understand any more after reading this)
You may find some of this page disturbing if you are not used to me being weird (pah, is that possible?!)

  Random/Cool words!
Deary Me!(seem to keep saying that for some reason - arg!)
Meh (Quite possibly the coolest word ever! It may have no meaning but it still rocks, especially the 'Meh' song.....and no I'm not gonna write out the 'Meh' song because you'll make fun of it *sobs*)
Confoozled (I have to use this word A LOT! I'm always confoozled - its not my fault!!)
Poop on a stick (heh!)
C.B.A.S. (can't be arsed syndrome - officially my word now, not the gay lil twat's)
OOM (backwards cow - duh!)
PANTS! (my all time favourite word..ahem)
Mwello (my word now!)
Tootpahmeh! (just don't ask!)

If anyone has any additions to my cool words, stick it on the message board!

Bob the Snail is GOD! All hail Bob!
Hairy Dog and Squeaky Carrot are also pretty cool too!
  Super cool people in the World of Becca...
Quentin the Platypus? (apparently)
Billie Joe (hehe)
Daniel Boys (MINE!)
Damien Flood (also MINE!)
Shawn the Sheep - I love him!
Graham Norton (pink jackets and luminous green hair clips are definately in...)
Boris the Iguana
Joey the Hamster - yay!
Elijah Wood (aww sooo cute)
Seth Green (aww sooo yummy!)
Psycho cat, Fat cat and Hyper cat - aww!!
My cow and my sheepy

Aww isn't my ickle sheep gorgeous?! His name is Hal (named after my good friend heh!)
  Bands that have been created by me and other random peeps (mainly my brother..*cough* FREAK! *cough*)
Puddle of Mud Hut
Sy-Stem of a Plant
Linkin Safari Park
Jimmy Eat Third World
Limp Basket (curtesy of Donny...)
Green Plant(?!)

Watch this space ^
With any luck an ickle green alien called Neville should appear (doesn't mean that it will though)