Stories That We Make Up When We're Bored!
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This is a page dedicated to some amazing stories that me and some other random people made up when we were bored (or sad as Margaret said - grr)
Yey I have the Rozwell story now!
And yes any stories that I was mean in, I have changed to be not quite so mean....(i tried!)

Story 1...(umm they don't have titles!)
Note: Pink = Me! Red = Chaz! Green = Donny! Yellow = Katy! Blue = Neff! Orange = Joel! Purple-ish = Ian! White = Tom!
And certain words have had to be edited such as J** (he who shall not be named)...and Mat is Ickle Mat was the fateful night of Becca's sleepover..
we had just about managed to squish everyone into Becca's living room..
when someone passed out..
it was J** - Dawn had knocked him out!
In the frantic hurry to make J** conscious again, ickle Mat got lost..
and J** disappeared, never to return!
so they decided to play The Game With No Name without them...but shock, horror, Tom & Lynz dropped the card and got their lips stuck together!
of course it was all Tom's fault for eating superglue earlier that day...! J** and Mat found themselves in the parallel universe at the back of Becca's wardrobe!
Tom was the only one who could save J** and Mat but he was stuck!!
So Becca killed Lynsey and unglued her from Tom..but someone stood in the way, guarding the cupboard so that Tom couldn't get to J** and was...
Rich! He wanted to get revenge on them because they'd been telling everyone that he was a dickhead...
Now Lynz was in the parallel universe too - it was the place between life and death!
Becca sensed that something was wrong and turned into Superbecca, and with the help of her trusty sidekick - Supercow, she set off into the parallel universe to save them!
Superbecca managed to track them down, but when came back they had aquired two people that were also stuck between life and death -Kurt Cobain and William Shakespeare...also they had missed the food!
They were nearly dead so they ate everyone else...oops!
So now everyone was lost in the parallel universe in their stomachs! There they found...a cat, an elephant, Becca and Lynsey's hamsters (in J**) and Freddy Mercury!
It was a miserable existance and they all got depressed and sat around listening to Tom playing sad songs on his guitar...but then someone proposed...
J** confessed his love for Rich
Becca wished that she hadn't saved them and locked them in the back garden where they were slowly devoured by wild guinea pigs!
So then Becca woke up (it had all been a dream) but...*dun dun duuuun!* She was pregnant!
with the cat's baby!
OI! I do have standards ya know!?!
THE END! There wasn't that fun?!

So who wants another story?
Ok I'm bored outta my mind so I'll stick our other story on here now!

Story 2...

Once upon a time there were a group of friends...
they were all joined in holy matromony together and lived in a box....there were 9 of them.
Uh-oh I see where this is leading! Oh fine then...They were Chaz, Rich, Lynz, Sian, Flo, Mat, Tom, J** and Becca (who didn't see that coming?)
They were happy until...
Chaz discovered she was an alcoholic, Rich was a girl, Lynz was a druggie, Sian was dead, Flo was invisible, Mat was a garden gnome, Tom was a rock singer, J** was a sheep, and Becca was Shakespeare (?!)
Disaster struck!! The loss of Sian caused big problems amongst the group! She was the only one who could get Chaz her alceehol, keep Rich's real identity secret, get Lynz her drugs, see Flo, polish Mat the gnome, give Tom singing lessons, shear J** the sheep, and help Becca (aka Shakespeare) write!
The group were in trouble. They needed to bring Sian back from the dead adn fast! So...Chaz went to Chris for alcohol, Rich went to Graham Norton for advice, Lynz married Billie Joe and they happily smoked weed ever after, Flo went to Harry Potter, Mat went to Santa's Workshop, J** found a Welsh man to shag him, Tom went to Billie Joe for singing lessons, and Becca asked Ms. Morral (URGH!) for help...They were all set to rescue Sian!
When Sian was retrieved from the grave by Ms.Morral, Harry Potter and Santa Claus, she was very bitter and went on a huge killing spree. J** and Rich beggef that they be spared since they hadn't yet had sex...
But Sian didn't care and was very close to killing them until she realised the group would fall apart (for some strange reason) without them! (and because she decided she didn't want to be on a killing spree anymore cos she was in a happy mood because she's just met Harry Potter)
So in the end everyone went their separate ways and got divorced from each other and paired off...
but before they could do this the world was taken over by Julian Clary and everyone was forced to have single sex relationships! So...J** married Rich, Tom married Mat, Chaz married Becca, WHY ME?!Sian married Flora, and Lynsey married Gladys! Nooooo! Billie Joe!
Then Becca shot Billie Joe and forced Lynz to marry Mat! MWAHAHA!
NO! Lynz saved Billie Joe and Billie Joe, Lynsey and Mat got married! J** eloped with Gladys, Sian got Rich, Flo married Tom and Cahz fell in love with Julian Clary. Becca got Gladys every other weekend.
Ok, but then Superman (you mean Superbecca, right?) flew around the world backwards and time was reversed! So...Chaz married Rich, Becca married J**, Flo married Tom, Sian married Mat and Lynz married...oh go on then!
But what about poor Gladys?
She married her other half, Adrian.

Story 3...!(yes there is another one!) Are you really bored enough to read this one too?!

One day some people were in a boring science lesson
with some scary man from...erm...some foreign place(?!)
And then things got really interesting...
the people decided to audition for Smack The Pony!
They went down to the studio...
and amongst the other people auditioning were Graham Norton and Julian Clary!
(for god's sake, what the hell is your obsession with Graham Norton?!) and...
Graham Norton got the part and he left his dirty show in the capable hands of
Gladys - the brilliant pencil holding sheepy! (although I can't read Lynz's writing and I thought it said penal holding sheepy!)
And instead of the Doggy phone, there was a sheepy phone!!
Julian Clary got so upset that he had and hide in...
Lynsey's website where he met and fell in love with...
the pieces of pretty coloured paper and Tom!
However his love for Tom wasn't returned because Tom loved Tina Turner!
(I'm not even gonna ask!) But the pretty coloured paper had to go into hiding as they
started a revolution against colour! Graham Norton was mortified!
The world became very boring and dull.
But then Becca called George, Zippy and Bungle to make a rainbow!
But they were on a singles holiday in Tenerife so all the world became...
single and went to join them. But then Bungle (who's bloody scary!) killed
Graham Norton, so in respect the world became single and gay!
Julian Clary and Tom were very happy about this cos...
they had just finished doing Panto together and had finally declared their love for...
each other! They were married under the new religion called
This religion began to take over the world, soon the Pope converted!
There was however, one person we have forgotten about, Graham Norton's Doggy phone had found love...
with Angel...who was a priest of this religion! In fact the only straight person was...
Lynsey and Billie Joe! They were married
and Becca and Daniel Boys and Damien Flood - they joined a cult!
Zippy, George and Bungle returned from holiday to find their house had turned into a pile of poo (how childish!)
and everyone died except Chaz, who married Steve McKenna!
Nah, it was the other way round so Chaz and Steve McKenna died and everyone else got eternal life!
And Becca was still married to Daniel and Damien!
And Doggy phone became the Queen of the World!!!

"Another!" I hear you cry!? Well if you insist...
Story 4...!(yes I do have way to much free time!)

Once upon a time, there was a Becca
and there was also a Neff!
And one day they decided to go for a drive...
In Ian's flying car!
Ok...So one day they decided to go for a fly! And they flew all the way to...
Becca's Little World, home of the twirling sheepys and dancing moocows!
(ooh surrealness!) But there had been a terrible tragedy. Super Joel was missing and so there was nobody to protect the poor ickle sheep and cows from a really annoying evil person called...
Unknown Person (yes I'm being lovely now) Her jealousy and all the crap she talks is enough to kill anyone!
Especially sheepys and moocows! It was surely a terrible turn of events, what were Neff and Becca to do? Without Super Joel the World of Beckster would surely perish!
The death of the cows and sheep spread like foot and mouth! Becca and Neff decided to go in search of Super Joel!
So they jumped into Ian's flying car and flew off in search, they searched high and low...
but there was no sign of him. They decided that he's been taken over by The Invisible Peepsickles - dun dun duuuuuuun!
called Flora and Lynsey, they had taken him away and were holding him hostage in the weird world of Floz and Lynz!
They were only willing to let him free in exchange for...
Ian's flying car, £200 worth of fizzy cola bottles and Becca's signed picture of Damien Flood and Daniel Boys!
It was a tough decision, if they gave up the flying car how would they get home?!
All of a sudden something amazing happened!
Beer the dog (known on Tuesdays as Susanna) fell from the sky...
and then...*POOF* the rest of Rozwell appeared!
There was Tom, with his magical Guitar of Justice, Ian with his Bass which made water into booze and fags, and Rob with magical pathetic excuses!
They had come to save Joel...I think...they might have just been lost...
But no! They HAD come to save Joel! For how could they play the gig that evening without him?!
hmm ok...couldn't they just find someone else to join the band?! Umm..but if you say so...(no offence Joel, didn't mean it like that!)
No, that would be mean! So they distracted Lynz with pictures of Billie-Joe and Tom beat Flora with the magical Guitar of Justice! Then they all jumped into the flying car and flew to Becca's Little World!...
to save the twirling sheep and dancing cows! Yay!
So they plugged in their instruments and blew the Unknown Person away with their magical songs, and Rozwell saved the day!

Story 5?!

Once upon a time
In a far away land known as Joel's house...
Tom hit Neff over the head with the magical Guitar of Justice!
So Ian and his dog called Beer came to the rescue save Neff, but Beer was ill,
He had smoked too many fags, which is generally not what you should do to gay people, but dogs are dogs!
And this dog was no exception! He smoked gay people all day long, until the RSPCG (Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Gays) came and fined him for setting fire to innocent gays.
The world was a sad and empty place without Graham Norton!And even more sad now that Beer the dog was in prison.
But it was OK cos SuperJoel, Ian and the Flying Car, Tom and the magical Guitar of Justice, SuperBecca and Neff (boring Neff) broke Beer out of prison.
So we all got in the Flying Car and strapped Beer to the bonnet. We escaped from the cops, but Beer was cold so we put him in the boot where we found 87 and half cans of cider, but only one glass.
So we decided to break the glass into two, so they could both mate and make lots of little glasses (at least enough for us all to drink individually) The glass broke, but were unable to mate as Ian wanted a kiss!
So they all locked Ian in the car until the glasses felt safe enough to mate. Everyone then had a glass each.
Now there were lots of ickle glasses. Only problem was, they kept reproducing and soon the world was taken over by glasses!
Oh no!
So Rozwell turned the glasses into plectrums, but they were too sharp!
THE END...apparently (we kinda ran outta paper)

Aww cute! (its from Emz's site, I nicked it hehe)

Wow first the Twirling Sheep, now a Dancing Cow! Does it get any better than this?!(erm, most probably...)