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Here are a couple of cool sites... yes I finally bothered to put some links on!

www.thispagecannotbedisplayed.com Go see if you're bored! (not that you'd be bored on my super cool site...ahem)
Flo and Lynz's site! Lynz and Flora's site! Before you say how much better they're site is than mine, please note that I haven't had mine for very long!!
Rozwell! Rozwell's site, they're a cool band! Note-Joel is really cute!
GOD! (Bob the Snail) A site dedicated to our God - Bob The Snail! (please ignore any mentions of me being an evil slug and please do not look at the horrible pic of me!)

Chris's Site erm...Chris's Site! slightly strange....
RENT! RENT stuff! unfortunately no pics of Daniel Boys....
Lucy's Site Another random site!
Green Day! GREEN DAY! YAY! Billie Joe is God (as well as Bob The Snail of course)
Green Day message forum Look out for me, I'm Superbecca (as usual) and Lynz is DONNY (as usual....)
Andy in the Skirt's Site Probably the most mentally-scarring out of all the random sites on here! Enter at your own risk...
SPJEW! Yes I have ANOTHER site! This time a joint effort between me and Lynz about....ahh well you'll have to go visit it to find out!!
Jammy's Site V.random site made by Jamie (or Jammy as I have now decided to name him!) He stole my twirling sheep!!!