Dodgy Photos!
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Some lovely pics.....(ahem)
I apologise for any pain caused because of these pics, but its your own fault for being so stoopid in them!
Oh my god the page has gone all big! Ok just keep scrolling that way and all will be well >>>
Just to inform you, I did NOT put the random pictures of sunsets on the site!! And don't ask why all the pics seem to be of Rich!!

Dodgy pic of us! Note - Emz has no face because she made me blur it out and believe me - it was a BAD pic! (Not that its a good pic of us or anything!)

Rich's first encounter with the skirt....(try to ignore Jon (who?!) in the pic!)

He just can't stay away from that skirt can he? (Just to inform you Rich is not gay, and as far as we know, not a cross-dresser!)

Haha only put this pic on cos Tom looks sooo funny in it! P.S I know I'm blurred out in it, but there is a reason! URGH! (and again, try to ignore Jon in the photo, for your own sake!)

Yes it is another pic of Rich looking gay! And yes that is a Gay Santa that he is pictured with!

Should be the slogan for me and my mates hehe

Yes its the Gay Santa AGAIN! And yes, its gay ickle Mat in the picture too (he had very small 'feet')

A picture of one of my future husbands, Damien Flood (he's so gorgeous AND I met him so ner!)

Another one of my future husbands - Daniel Boys! (he's so cute and I met him too!!)

See, I told you Tom looks like Harry Potter/Postman Pat! (don't hurt me, Tom!!)

Indeedy doodely!

Joel was convinced that there was a good pic of Rozwell on their site, but there ya go, I proved him wrong! WOO! This was the best one I could find....oh deary me!

Very bad pic of Lynz and Andy in the Skirt (and amazingly Andy in the Skirt is NOT related to Rich in the Skirt!)















