What's Been Happening?!?
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Ooh what news is there? Umm...not alot really!
Oh well I'll try and come up with something interesting (and I may have to stretch the truth just an ickle bit, but that's ok right?!)

  • I have Green Day tickets woo! And I still have one extra ticket.....

  • Will be at Heatham on the 22nd of March so look out for me and my big group of people (who i'll try and escape from as soon as possible....)

  • Lynz, Flo and Chaz have become OBSESSED with Rent - its quite disturbing! Yeh I like Rent, but I draw the line at pretending to be characters from it! Tsk tsk, sad children!

  • Well Lynz seems to think its ok to stretch the truth a little, so I'll do it too....!
  • Lynsey recently got confused and eloped with Billie Joel instead of Billie Joe. Despite the initial confoozlement, the couple are now very happy together.

  • Becca did not elope with Chaz, but was infact kidnapped and was recently saved by a certain superhero...

  • Tom has gotten over his obsession with AC/DC but has now become a full-time Tina Turner stalker, and is on the run from the people in white coats.

  • For more gossip (which by the way is 100% true...ahem...) come back soon for more updates!